Biointerfaces International Conference

14. - 17. August 2024
FHNW Muttenz

Participation in Biointerfaces 2024 in Muttenz

We are pleased to announce our participation at the Biointerfaces International Conference 2024 in Muttenz, together with 3T Analytik and their latest QCM-D instrument, the qCell T 5O10 series. The event will take place from August 20-23, 2024 and will provide an excellent platform to showcase the latest advances in surface analysis and molecular interactions. 3T Analytik will present its innovative QCM-D device, which enables precise real-time monitoring of biophysical processes thanks to its advanced technology. The qCell T 5O10 features automation options, overtone electronics and sensor positioning adapters for working with various quartz sensors, including 5 MHz and 10 MHz quartz sensors that enable a total of eight harmonics. Monitoring of cell cultures, biofilm formation and molecular interactions is further enhanced by the use of harmonics, providing detailed insights into dynamic biological processes. More information about the qCell T series here. Visit us at our stand and find out more about the latest developments in surface analysis. Or be there live when our product expert from 3T Analytik, Dr. Adam Olsson, presents exciting background information on the product features of QCM-D and qCell T in his pitch on August 22. We look forward to discussing innovative solutions and applications in research and industry with you.

IGZ Instruments, Biointerfaces International Conference

Be there live at the exciting pitch by Dr. Adam Olsson about the background information on QCM-D.

On August 22nd at 11:40 am!

IGZ Instruments, Biointerfaces International Conference

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