Our products

IGZ provides you as a Swiss customer from the fields of industry, diagnostics and research with innovative products and solutions in accordance with our slogan “smart solutions and service”.

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3T Analytik 77 Elektronika A.KRÜSS Optronic Advanced Instruments AID Alliance Bio Expertise AMETEK Grabner Instruments Aqualabo Baker Bandelin Binder BioData CEM Charm Chrom4 Cole-Parmer Stuart Copan Cortex Cyclus 2 Diatron Diazyme DRG Instruments EKF Diagnostic Elcometer Eppendorf Froilabo FUJIFILM Wako Gesan Hach HiTec Zang HTA I.E.M. IC Biomedical IKA Industrial Physics Interscience IUL JRI Kibion Labrobot LAUDA LAUDA Scientific Lode Lovibond® MMM Medcenter Möller & Schmelz Nationallab Phase Analytical Technology Precisa Instruments AG Process Insights Radleys Reichelt Chemietechnik Reichert Technologies Sartorius Sero Serstech Sherwood Scientific Spectros Streck tec5 Teledyne ISCO Water and Wastewater Teledyne LABS ThermoFisher WELCH
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Industry and research
Analytical chromatography Ashing Calorimetry Chloride analyzer Color measurement Contact angle measuring devices Density meters Eddy current dryer Electromechanical measuring systems Flame photometer Flash point Gas analyzers Gemstone testers Handheld Raman Spectrometer Humidity measurement Magnetic intensity scale Mass spectrometry Melting point Microscopes Microwave digestion Milk analysis pH / Titration / Voltametry Photometer Polarimeter Protein determination Quartz Crystal Microbalance Sensor Platform Refractometer Vapor pressure determination Viscosimetry / Tensiometry Water and waste water
Antibiotics, toxins, hygiene tests
Chemical Engineering
Cold / Heat / Cryo
Cryogenic storage systems Freezers Temperature monitoring Test chambers Thermostats
Centrifuges Consumables Distilling / Extracting Drying cabinets Heating / Tempering High precision high pressure syringe pumps and HPLC pumps Laboratory reactors Mixing / crushing Scales Sterilizers Ultrasound Vacuum systems
Life Science
Biochemicals Bioreactors Direct heated CO2 incubators Incubators Microbiology Molecular Biology Peptide synthesis Shaker Specialty Chemicals Workbenches physoxic / hypoxic
Heating and cooling systems High-power ultrasound Process equipment Process, Inline Measuring Instruments
Synthesis / Chromatography
Consumables for HPLC and LC Flash - Prepflash chromatography systems Microwave synthesis Parallel synthesis Prep HPLC System
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Medical diagnostics
Blood pressure measurement 24 hours, single and PWA
Cardiac and pulmonary (CPET)
Clinical Chemistry-Immunology
C13 Urea breath test equipment Chemistry analyzer Controls / Calibrators Electrolytes Reagents
Diabetes - Sports Medicine
Ergometers and treadmills Glucose / HbA1c laboratory devices High performance ergometer Lactate handheld Lactate laboratory equipment Spiroergometry
Hematology / Hemostasis / Thrombocyte Aggregation
Hematology Hemostasis Thrombocyte aggregation
Special diagnostics
Urine Diagnostics
Urinalysis Urine Strip
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