Carousel 12 Plus

Special Deals

Heating, cooling, stirring and refluxing up to 12 samples simultaneously

  • Holds up to 12 glass tubes with a reaction volume of 1 ml to 20 ml Powerful, even stirring
  • Rapid heating to 220 ˚C and cooling to -78 ˚C (cooling attachment not included in the price)
  • Simple operation
  • Easy observation of the vessel contents during experiments Removable water-cooled reflux head
  • Dosing possible with the syringe via the valve
  • Space and energy saving

Warranty: 3 months

Lists Price: 11’624.00 CHF without VAT.

Special Deal (50% discount): 5’812.00 CHF without VAT

(all items from picture 2)

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Carousel 12 Plus

In this four-minute video you can see a small demo of the Carousel 12 Plus.

IGZ Instruments AG - Your inquiry forCarousel 12 Plus

Your request for Carousel 12 Plus

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