Reactor-Ready Flex Lab Reactor

A flexible response system that can be configured according to budget and application.

Reactor-Ready Flex Lab Reactor is designed as a universal reactor workstation that can be used for different vessel sizes and various experiments. Reactor-Ready can be quickly and easily configured to match the scale you need for your project.

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Why Reactor-Ready Flex?

In this video you can see how the principle of a Reactor-Ready Flex works.

Click here if you are interested.

Video on Reactor-Ready - Construction of a jacketed laboratory reactor with a circulator (click)

The Reactor Ready was developed as a universal reactor workstation. With its wide range of easily interchangeable vessels from 100mL to 5L and the ability to customize everything to his personal project, it can be used in almost any laboratory. Due to the quickly exchangeable reactors, only one rack is needed, thus also saving money and valuable workspace.

Video Reactor-Ready Duo jacketed glass reactor - two interchangeable vessels on one rack (click)

Reactor-Ready Duo has the same unique features as Reactor-Ready, but has two independent reaction vessels made of jacketed glass. The system can be configured to operate with a single thermostat that simultaneously controls the jacket temperature of both vessels or with two thermostats that independently control the temperature of each vessel.

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