Large-Scale Vertical Evaporator

Vaporize up to 200 L of solvent! Ecodyst® has developed the next generation of benchtop and industrial high velocity evaporators for both laboratory and commercial applications. With breakthrough cooling technology, our evaporators offer environmentally friendly and efficient self-cooling metal or Teflon-coated condensers that set new standards for rotary evaporation, distillation, purification and winterization. All models utilize a revolutionary tankless cooling technology that is continuously available, provides sustainable temperature control, increases productivity, enables instrumentation with a smaller footprint and has low operating costs.

  • Achieve energy savings of 50 – 80 %.
  • Reduce your system boot time by up to 75 %.
  • Eliminate hazardous refrigerant fluids.
  • Reduce your operating costs considerably.

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IGZ Instruments AG - Your inquiry forLarge-Scale Vertical Evaporator

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